and learn from what happened.
not sure what can be learned.
tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11/2001.
i hope we never forget what happened that fateful day and learn from what happened.❤️.
and learn from what happened.
not sure what can be learned.
it's been six months since the kingdom halls have been closed.
i believe here in ontario, canada that you are now allowed to have up to 50 people congregate together.. that was the average attendance before they did all the merging of the congregations.
they should have went back to the original pre-merger congregations.
i think more use of assembly halls could ensue--especially in area with several Khs, for instance--forget public talks--total waste of time. just the watchtower study. An assembly hall could easily accommodate six or more different congregations over the weekend. just make the dubs travel a bit further. or just one great big congregation. still keep the zoom hook up for those unable to get there.
there--fixed it.
against our wishes she got baptised at 16 because she got brainwashed by her cousin.
the last year or so she hasn't been so gung ho about the "truth".
anyway the elders came down on her for not getting her time in the last couple months because she absolutely hates zoom letter writing.
@ these elders came to your house to read your daughter the riot act.
i must be missing something here..
You're the head of the house..did the ask you if it was ok ? are you still a PIMO ?
against our wishes she got baptised at 16 because she got brainwashed by her cousin.
the last year or so she hasn't been so gung ho about the "truth".
anyway the elders came down on her for not getting her time in the last couple months because she absolutely hates zoom letter writing.
@Nowwhat...can i ask--does your daughter live with you at home ?
(as of 10 sep 2020) there's a new caleb & sophia cartoon in which the org puts into the minds of children the idea that celebrating a birthday will cause jehovah to not want to be your friend anymore..
can you imagine being 6 years old and thinking god himself is no longer your friend because you blew out a candle on a birthday cake or wished someone a happy birthday?.
as bad as all this is, the birthday thing is just one of many jw rules that isnt even supported by scripure.
poor kids frightened of the big invisible bogey man in the sky. and dubs wonder why so many born in kids leave the cult when they grow up.
it's been six months since the kingdom halls have been closed.
i believe here in ontario, canada that you are now allowed to have up to 50 people congregate together.. that was the average attendance before they did all the merging of the congregations.
they should have went back to the original pre-merger congregations.
here in the UK gatherings now have been limited to 6 people..but not religious ones it seems. lets see what happens now.
'' has your desire to put jehovah first been tested during this pandemic?
you lost your job and you searched for another one.
finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service.
Pray to Jehovah and then wait. Hold on a little longer to see what Jehovah would work out for you.''
is this the same god that doesnt seem too good at controlling this virus ?
it has no value at all.
it consists of 99% dumb, confused kids asking stupid hypothetical questions.
i did join ex jw redditt--but i find it difficult to use. i know a lot on here are also on it--plus many have left--or been kicked out of here.
i couldnt give a toss about american politics,--and even less about british politics. i dont bother voting.
the jws in my country can't preach to anyone these days and they're going crazy.
i live in romania and initially during the covid-19 lockdown they were very enthusiastic about preaching.
they've since held daily "field service meetings" on zoom.
i think its packed up here in the UK. i never see any strolling along slowly door to door. kingdom halls are chained and padlocked.
its great. long may it continue.
many,many years ago i went into a florist shop and ordered a wreath and a sympathy card to be delivered to my home .the sales lady looked at me and saw that i wasn`t very old and offered her condolences to me .. i apologised to her and said oh no ,nobody`s died ,it`s just that my wife has been going off lately about her turning fourty ,so i thought i would commiserate with her by doing this.. on the other hand when i turned fourty i went out and bought myself a pair of ice skates ..
no--not picking on you Smid--just interested in how 40 is spelled /spelt down under.
i think your even younger than i am.